Regular Meeting of the Bethel Island Standing Park Committee

3085 Stone Rd
Bethel Island, CA 94511

Meeting Location: BIMID Hall
3085 Stone Rd, Bethel Island, CA 94511

Date: August 26, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM


Call to Order and Roll Call

Board Disclosure of Potential Appearances of Conflicts of Interest

Consent Calendar
Approval of minutes of Park Ad hoc meeting July 31, 2024
Separate Consideration on Any Matters Removed from the Consent Calendar

Unfinished Business:

  • Boat Installation: Dirt, potting soil and selection of plants
  • Plan a day for the committee to do one boat
  • Plan community member day
  • Donation for supplies
  • BIMID Banner for Park Events
  • 501c3 Dave - No Update
  • Commemorative Arch Form*
  • Email for Park and Commemorative Arch
  • Consistent Funding for Park 2025 Goal
  • Grant Update

New Business:

  • Timeline of Grant - Next Steps
  • Discussion of Board Policies
  • Brown Act and AB1234 Training (Both trainings must be completed by 10/31/2024 and certificate emailed to Denece**)

Public Comment

Members of the public wishing to address the park committee on matters within the jurisdiction of the board may do so by completing the appropriate form and handing it to the district clerk. Persons submitting the form will be called upon when the public comment is reached on the agenda.

The Brown Act sets the guidelines for conducting public meetings. While the Brown Act does not allow discussion or action on items not on the agenda, it does allow members of the Board, or its staff, to “briefly” respond to comments or questions or to direct staff to place the issue on a future agenda. On occasion, it may be necessary to limit the time per speaker, generally to 3 minutes per speaker (Per Government Code 54956).

Director Reports

Suggestion for Future Agenda Items



*Denotes handout with rough draft
**Denotes email sent by Denece with instructions for Park Committee Board members

Board meetings are normally the second Thursday of each calendar month at 6:30 pm at the BIMID office. As times change, or as special meetings are called, we will post them on this Bulletin Board. Only those reviewed and approved by a quorum (3) of BIMID Board Members will be published. Current month minutes will always show in the following month.

The monthly BIMID board meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month.





For earlier Agendas and Minutes, click the following links: