925-684-2210 PO Box 244, 3085 Stone Road. Bethel Island, CA 94511
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Permit Process & Design Guidelines

April 14, 2011

BIMID provides project reviews as a free service for island residents. The usual turn around time for review is one to two days (this may take longer if the project is within the levee or ditch setbacks). So remember, always come to BIMID first, before you start a project, because you will need a BIMID review and stamp before moving onto the county.

If the “General Guidelines Link” below doesn’t answer your question(s), please call us or visit the office during office hours.

  • Go to “FORMS” Navagation Bar on the left or from the Home Page “FORMS” to view various downloadable forms, including the “BIMID Application for Project Approval Under District Ordinances”. This form also explains what documents you are required to supply to BIMID to start the process etc.