BIMID was created by the State Legislature in 1960, replacing Reclamation District No. 1619. The powers include not only maintaining the levee that surrounds and protects Bethel Island but allows for many other activities including the “distribution of water for public and private purposes; parks and playgrounds; airports and works to provide for drainage”.
There are five Directors elected by voters of Bethel Island, each for one or more four-year terms. The District employs a modest staff to carry out daily operations. The primary purpose of BIMID is the safety of the levee and the storm water drainage system of the Bethel Island area.
As well as Assessment District funding adopted by a public vote, BIMID receives tax money collected by Contra Costa County. This money is leveraged to match with the State of California through work agreements, Subventions and Special Projects, to maintain the integrity of the levee system. The money is also used to maintain proper drainage of the island through cleaning and pumping of water off the island.
BIMID owns 100 acres of land in the center of the island between Bethel Island Road and Piper Road. This property is used to remove sand, which is placed on the levee, and also as a mitigation site. The state requires that for every tree BIMID removes from the island levee areas, three trees must be replanted, and they must survive for at least two years. New trees are planted on the mitigation site as trees are removed from the levee and drainage ditches.
The District’s (community) 100 acres is divided into 85 acres for sand borrow and other future uses, plus approximately 15 acres for mitigation purposes.
To maintain the safety of the levee system, BIMID must approve applications for anything that affects the levee, such as construction or alteration of a home, boat dock, ramp, steps on the levee, planting of trees, and demolition of homes currently on the levee. BIMID holds meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at BIMID Hall, 3085 Stone Road. Agendas are posted in the glass case inside the Post Office, outside the BIMID Office and our Website prior to each meeting.