BIMIDBeginning December 2011, BIMID will begin the Winter watch Levee patrols.   The patrols will be done as needed, starting at the BIMID Office.  BIMID welcomes ride-along guests for these patrols.  For those interrested, please contact Julie at 925-684-2210.




Click to Enlarge Station Marker Map

What does this map show and what are the markers for?

Several years ago, BIMID placed thirteen station markers along the levee top. They are numbered from 00 to 600 and are placed every 1000 feet apart. They are GPS points (Global Positioning System). They help in establishing a record and history of levee changes, if there are any. For those who walk the levee and are in an unfamiliar area and observe what looks to be a problem, a marker will help to identify the area of concern.

We will respond quickly to any residents concerns such as levee slippage, seepage  & beaver activity.

BIMID # (925) 684-2210, or call 911 in an emergency.